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Minister of the Word
Rev Malcolm Rawlings
Mobile: 0423 740 154
Email: minister@brighton.ucasa.org.au


Street Address
443 Brighton Road, Brighton SA 5048

Church Office
Phone: 0423 740 154
Email: secretary@brighton.ucasa.org.au

Hire of the Church Halls
Mobile: 0408 812 131


Your giving helps build the Church and makes a difference in the lives of others. The Uniting Church in South Australia is associated with a number of organisations who provide vital services and support, locally and Australia wide. If you would like the opportunity to give financially to support the ongoing work of the Uniting Church SA please click here.

   If you would like to give to the work of Brighton Uniting Church, our account details are

Bank: Bank SA

B/S/B No.: 105-042

Account No.: 055814840

Account name: Brighton Uniting Church

Thank you and God’s Blessings to you.


The Church property is maintained by a small band of willing volunteers.   These people bring various talents to the Property Team and continually monitor the needs of the Church property and attend to repairs and maintenance issues as problems arise.

These include polishing the wooden floor in the large hall, replacing failed light globes, mending broken doors and hinges, keeping the garden pruned and tidy and other numerous small jobs.   The team also arranges trades people to look at electrical problems, plumbing problems, to check fire extinguishers, to tag all electrical equipment, and to clean gutters and windows as necessary.

The team also investigates and obtains quotes for Church Council when larger projects such as major painting, wall restoration, new security doors and air conditioning are required.

The Church property is utilised each day by our Church groups as well as by other community groups.


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